Spread the SNOJ! (Super Novas Of Joy)

Helaina Safley / Month of Hope, Year of Joy

Spreading joy all year long.
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About Spread the SNOJ! (Super Novas Of Joy)

I’m excited to be part of The Goodtimes Project’s "Month of Hope, Year of Joy" campaign this September! The Goodtimes Project creates caring spaces for families impacted by childhood cancer to connect and for kids to be kids at camps, events, and programs. I am raising funds to support these programs, which are cost-free to families, ensuring that families can stay connected all year long. This month, my goal is to contribute to the $15,000 needed to fund an entire tyear of single-day programs, creating a community of hope, love, and joy. Thank you for supporting my efforts and helping make a difference in the lives of children and families affected by pediatric cancer. Together, we can turn a month of hope into a year of joy! 

Here is my personal experience with the Goodtimes project. 

I have been a part of the Goodtimes project for 10 years, initially as a camper and now as a staff member. As a camper, I experienced firsthand the profound positive impact the camp had on me, and now, from my position on staff, I have the privilege of witnessing that same impact on other children. I can’t imagine what my sister’s and my own journey through the world of cancer would have been like without Camp Goodtimes. The camp and its dedicated community not only provided us with genuine happiness and joy during challenging times but also offered a nurturing environment where we could escape our struggles and simply be kids. The support and camaraderie we found there have been invaluable, creating lasting memories and friendships that have shaped our lives in the most meaningful ways.

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