Spreading Hope, Love, and Joy year after year!
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  • Justine Skouge

    $51.60 / 18 days ago

    Thank you for being such a great advocate for childhood cancer!!! Keep up the good work! ❤️

About Team Matcha

This year I get the honor and joy to be a part of The Goodtimes Project’s "Month of Hope, Year of Joy" campaign this September! The Goodtimes Project puts on amazing events throughout the year for tons of families, like mine, that have been impacted by pediatric cancer. These events range from smaller day only events to larger spectrum week long camps! My family became involved with The Goodtimes Project in 2010 when my brother and I got to go to Camp Goodtimes for the first time. Camp Goodtimes and The Goodtimes Project has since changed my life in so many ways. I have had the opportunity to meet so many amazing people that I could relate to that had experienced childhood cancer. I was in a safe place to be a kid. Since that year I have been going to camp and volunteering as well. Please help me this year during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month to raise funds for The Goodtimes Project to keep making lasting impacts on families like mine and kids impacted by pediatric cancer.

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