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Recent Transactions

  • Brigett Hall

    $103.20 / 2 days ago

    Thanks for all that you do Kim to support these kiddos at camp! Camp meant everything to Jess and she looked forward to it all year! Happy Birthday Burly!

  • Marjorie Bond

    $51.60 / 3 days ago

    Happy Birthday to Burly who is my a-maze-ing Daughter in Law(Love) and Heavenly Birthdays You are always in our hearts ❤️

  • Jo Wolfe

    $103.20 / 3 days ago

    So proud of me beautiful niece, "Burly" for her caring heart and dedication to the Project!

  • Jennifer Hjorten

    $20.64 / 3 days ago

  • Helen Moir

    $100.00 / 15 days ago

  • Stephanie Cole

    $51.60 / 15 days ago

  • Jaci Bryant

    $103.20 / 15 days ago

    I adore your heart!

  • Princess Nae Nae

    $100.00 / 15 days ago

    Helping these kiddos with good times to take the bad times off their mind is PRICELESS 💙❤️ Thankful for your time & support to put smiles on these kiddos faces!

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